How to Search within Anchor Texts

Keyword phrases are to be separated by commas. You can search for multiple keyword phrases at one time and all domains will be shown that have Anchor Text matching any of those keyword phrases. A negative sign (-) is used in front of the keyword phrase to not show any domains who have Anchor Text matching the exact keyword phrase
*You can paste your keywords directly from Excel into the textbox

Sample Searches:
weight loss diet, weight gain diet - This will find all domains that have either the exact phrase "weight loss diet" or the phrase "weight gain diet" in the Anchor Text
Results returned: "Weight loss diet website" or "this weight loss blog article" or "what is a weight gain diet" or "weight gain diet blog article"

weight loss diet, -blog - This will find all domains that have Anchor Text that match the exact phrase "weight loss diet", but do not match the phrase "blog" anywhere
Results returned: "Weight loss diet website"