Expired domain statistics across three sections

Date Total Domains Majestic TF > 10 Moz DA > 20 Ahrefs DR > 10 Open Page Rank > 0 SEMrush Rank Majestic Million
 26 Jul 2024  478,798 2,714 1,857 5,788 14,655 11,993 148
 27 Jul 2024  7,796,657 2,260 10,770 12,183 37,078 52,231 1,927
 28 Jul 2024  356,787 1,574 1,409 4,654 8,502 5,579 236
 29 Jul 2024  226,514 1,651 1,422 4,189 7,882 4,760 132
 30 Jul 2024  228,496 1,038 1,183 2,266 7,666 3,161 88
 31 Jul 2024  93,459 741 858 1,255 3,764 2,776 38
 01 Aug 2024  82,551 595 556 1,077 3,067 2,637 21
 02 Aug 2024  76,886 616 468 1,093 2,852 2,664 30
 03 Aug 2024  70,017 516 444 974 2,511 2,368 23
 04 Aug 2024  23,210 172 146 208 927 230 5
 05 Aug 2024  18,105 138 102 173 646 132 3
Date Total Domains Majestic TF > 10 Moz DA > 20 Ahrefs DR > 10 Open Page Rank > 0 SEMrush Rank Majestic Million
 17 Jul 2024  166,755 1,097 808 2,882 5,247 2,401 88
 18 Jul 2024  172,085 1,082 870 3,222 5,299 2,467 81
 19 Jul 2024  166,113 1,118 1,023 2,696 5,407 2,411 71
 20 Jul 2024  160,223 1,256 893 3,273 6,007 2,567 117
 21 Jul 2024  166,762 1,202 1,087 3,784 6,433 2,741 74
 22 Jul 2024  154,367 1,123 837 3,609 6,026 2,573 56
 23 Jul 2024  177,200 1,186 1,135 3,057 6,131 2,556 114
 24 Jul 2024  168,321 1,298 1,060 3,017 6,107 2,334 94
 25 Jul 2024  148,219 1,062 820 2,686 5,170 2,032 74
 26 Jul 2024  162,255 1,384 1,044 3,369 6,149 2,217 177
 27 Jul 2024  218,841 1,296 941 2,904 6,851 2,667 81
 28 Jul 2024  7,723,561 1,743 10,284 11,124 34,477 49,499 1,896
DomCop Customer - Ian Howells, Traffic Think Tank

Whenever I'm looking for a domain with some link history, DomCop is my go-to tool. Their option for filtering by TF/CF ratio in particular helps quickly weed out the stuff that has a high likelihood of having been spammed to death already - it's a huge time saver.

Ian Howells, Traffic Think Tank
United States

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